Unidist on MPI

This section describes the use of unidist with the MPI execution backend. Since there are different MPI implementations, each of which can be used as a backend in unidist, refer to Installation page on how to install a specific MPI implementation.

There are two ways to choose the execution backend to run on. First, by setting the UNIDIST_BACKEND environment variable:

# unidist will use MPI
$ export UNIDIST_BACKEND=mpi
import os

# unidist will use MPI
os.environ["UNIDIST_BACKEND"] = "mpi"

Second, by setting the configuration value associated with the environment variable:

from unidist.config import Backend

Backend.put("mpi")  # unidist will use MPI

For more information on the environment variables and associated configs specific to the MPI backend see config API section.

Run unidist on MPI

Unidist on MPI in a single node

In order to run unidist on MPI in a single node, there are two options.

Controller/Worker model

This execution model is similar to ones other execution backends use. To run unidist on MPI in a single node using Controller/Worker model you should use mpiexec command.

$ mpiexec -n 1 python script.py

MPI worker processes will be spawned dynamically by unidist.

It is worth noting that some MPI implementations, e.g., Intel MPI implementation, support the ability of spawning MPI processes without using mpiexec command so you can run unidist on Intel MPI just with:

$ python script.py

Refer to Using intel channel section of Installation page on how to install Intel MPI implementation to use it with unidist.

SPMD model

First of all, to run unidist on MPI in a single node using SPMD model, you should set the UNIDIST_MPI_SPAWN environment variable to False:

$ export UNIDIST_MPI_SPAWN=False
import os

os.environ["UNIDIST_MPI_SPAWN"] = "False"

or set the associated configuration value:

from unidist.config import MpiSpawn


This will enable unidist not to spawn MPI processes dynamically because the user himself spawns the processes.

Then, you should also use mpiexec command and specify a number of workers to spawn.

$ mpiexec -n N python script.py

When initializing unidist this execution model gets transformed to Controller/Worker model.


Note that the process with rank 0 devotes for the controller (root) process you interact with, the process with rank 1 devotes for the monitor process unidist on MPI uses for tracking executed tasks. So the processes with ranks 2 to N devote for worker processes where computation will be executed. If you right away use Controller/Worker model to run unidist on MPI, this happens transparently.

Unidist on MPI cluster

In order to run unidist on MPI in a cluster, there are two options.

Controller/Worker model

This execution model is similar to ones other execution backends use. To run unidist on MPI in a cluster using Controller/Worker model you should specify hosts to run on. There are two ways to specify MPI hosts to run on.

First, by setting the UNIDIST_MPI_HOSTS environment variable:

# unidist will use the hosts to run on
$ export UNIDIST_MPI_HOSTS=<host1>,...,<hostN>
import os

# unidist will use the hosts to run on
os.environ["UNIDIST_MPI_HOSTS"] = "<host1>,...,<hostN>"

Second, by setting the configuration value associated with the environment variable:

from unidist.config import MpiHosts

MpiHosts.put("host1,...,hostN")  # unidist will use the hosts to run on

If you’re running a program without mpiexec command, no further action required to run on the specified MPI hosts.


Root proccess will always be executed locally and other proccesses will be spawned in order on the specified hosts. If you want to run root process on a remote host, you should use ssh host before the command and carefully check that the environment is correct. You can set some variables in ssh command or activate the conda envirenment right before running the Python script:

ssh host ENV_VARIABLE=value "source $CONDA_PATH/bin/activate $CONDA_ENV; cd $PWD; python script.py"

If you’re running a program with mpiexec command, running is almost the same as in a single node, but, in addition, you should use the appropriate parameter for mpiexec. This parameter differs depending on the MPI implementation used.

SPMD model

First of all, to run unidist on MPI in a cluster using SPMD model, you should set the UNIDIST_MPI_SPAWN environment variable to False:

$ export UNIDIST_MPI_SPAWN=False
import os

os.environ["UNIDIST_MPI_SPAWN"] = "False"

or set the associated configuration value:

from unidist.config import MpiSpawn


This will enable unidist not to spawn MPI processes dynamically because the user himself spawns the processes.

Then, you should use the appropriate parameter for mpiexec. This parameter differs depending on the MPI implementation used.


Note that the process with rank 0 devotes for the controller (root) process you interact with, the process with rank 1 devotes for the monitor process unidist on MPI uses for tracking executed tasks. So the processes with ranks 2 to N devote for worker processes where computation will be executed. If you right away use Controller/Worker model to run unidist on MPI, this happens transparently.